Double Feature: The Kid and Modern Times (1921 and 1936)

One of the first idiotic articles I wrote online previewed a revival screening of Charlie Chaplin's 1931 classic City Lights. In said article, I pontificated that City Lights is one of the films that shows why Chaplin became an immortal figure in cinema. Of course, missing from my piece was information that would substantiate this…Read more Double Feature: The Kid and Modern Times (1921 and 1936)

Double Feature: Stay Hungry – Frankenweenie (1976 and 2012)

Upon first glance Bob Rafelson's Stay Hungry and Tim Burton's Frankenweenie could not be more different, which makes their inclusion in my world-renowned Double Feature series feel rather strange. Not only are the two films separated by 36 years, but the basic genres they belong to are wildly divergent. Stay Hungry is a small dramady…Read more Double Feature: Stay Hungry – Frankenweenie (1976 and 2012)

Double Feature: Into the Woods – Dracula Untold (2014)

Welcome to the first Adam Mohrbacher Double Feature! This is a new type of post where yours truly will attempt to quell the inherent verbosity of my writing. This is, essentially, an exercise for my benefit only, where I will challenge myself to review two similarly-themed films in under 1000 words. Now, for those well-versed…Read more Double Feature: Into the Woods – Dracula Untold (2014)